Helmet or cap that can turn the wearer invisible.
Examples for "cap of invisibility"
Examples for "cap of invisibility"
1With his cap of invisibility on his head, he entered.
2He gave them the shoes of swiftness, the cap of invisibility and the purse of Fortunatus.
3He then put on his cap of invisibility, and remained unperceived all night by any one.
4She folded her cap of invisibility.
5He would have given me the cap of invisibility, the purse of Fortunatus, and a pair of seven-league boots.
1The tide rolled out to reveal Hades's bronze helm of darkness.
2One helm of darkness back on Hades's oily head.
3Still... Hades has the helm of darkness.
4He set his helm of darkness on his head, bound it full hard, and fastened it with clasps.
5Hades's helm of darkness, too.
6First clothed in Man's flesh it came, crowned with a dread helm of darkness and none could stand against this One but Four.'
7"Lord Hades, your helm of darkness is missing, too?"
8"You mean the Helm of Darkness," Annabeth said.
9"The helm of darkness," Grover gasped.
Translations for helm of darkness